Offline programming is the best way to maximize return on investment for robot systems. ABB's simulation and offline programming software, RobotStudio, allows robot programming to be done on a PC in the office without shutting down production. RobotStudio provides the tools to increase the profitability of your robot system by letting you perform tasks such as training, programming, and optimization without disturbing production. This provides numerous benefits including: • Risk reduction • Quicker start-up • Shorter change-over • Increased productivity. RobotStudio is built on the ABB VirtualController, an exact copy of the real software that runs your robots in production. This allows very realistic simulations to be performed, using real robot programs and configuration files identical to those used on the shop floor.
ABB RobotStudio. Course Objectives: This course is for programmers with little or no RobotStudio experience to offline programming on the ABB platform. The course consists of several “Course Exercises” that students will complete using the information learned during class. The course exercises are designed to develop students skills learned. Discussions about RobotStudio for S4 BaseWare (3.x - 4.0 ) Breadcrumb Navigation. RobotStudio S4. Discussions about RobotStudio for S4 BaseWare (3.x - 4.0 ).