The steps in your owner's manual. Your Radio Shack PRO-2044 Programmable 80-Channel Home Scanner lets you in. 10893592 CASE STYLE SC62. Radio Shack Scanner PRO-2050. Radio Shack Owner's Manual 300-Channel Trunk Tracker Home Scanner PRO-2050.
62 Beyond the Basics EDACS SCAT With the EDACS SCAT feature, the data stream transmissions will be eliminated, allowing you to clearly monitor the voice communications on EDACS SCAT systems. To monitor EDACS SCAT systems you only need to program the frequency in the trunk tracking programming mode. You do not need to enter group IDs. Tracking LTR systems LTR (Logic Trunked Radio) systems are trunking systems used primarily by business or private communications service providers, such as taxicabs, delivery trucks, and repair services. These systems encode all trunking information as digital subaudible data that accompanies each transmission. Users on an LTR system are assigned to specifi c talk groups, which are identifi ed by the radio as six digit numbers. These numbers are in the form AHHUUU, where: A= Area code (0 or 1) H= Home repeater (01 through 20) U= User ID (000 through 254) When the scanner receives a transmission on a channel set to the LTR mode, it fi rst decodes the LTR data included with the transmission.
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In the ID Search mode, the scanner stops on the transmission and displays the talk group ID on the display. In the ID Scan mode, the scanner only stops on the transmission if the LTR data matches a talk group ID that you have stored in the bank’s talk group ID list and have not locked out. LTR systems are frequently programmed so that each radio has a unique ID code.