A card game Favorite game TV channel Friday!, launched together with the game company Mosigra, won the award Mediabrand contest as the Best off-air promotional campaign. [2] References Edit.
MacCoffee, in collaboration with Pyatnica TV channel, are celebrating two happy occasions — the release of MacCoffee Strong and the successful reboot of the Orel ili Reshka (Heads or Tails) TV show — with an exciting competition called “I want to go on a getaway!” The gifts included trips to one of the cities visited by the hosts of “Head or Tails: Rebooted”. According to the rules, two winners would be chosen and each could take a friend with them! They had to follow several simple steps: Choose their “dream city” on a special website; Sign up with their social media account; Follow the MacCoffee page and share a post stating their preferred dream city. Istanbul or London? Peking or Tokyo? Lo madinay ki tajalli naat mp3 free download. Ibiza or Barcelona?
It was a indeed a difficult choice for MacCoffee lovers! The winners were Ekaterina Khalikova and Kristina Scherbakova who won trips to the Canaries and Zanzibar respectively.
This proves that any dream can become a reality – all you need is a little luck and, of course, a love for coffee! Not only does MacCoffee Strong offer a distinct taste and a rush of energy, it also makes us a little stronger and tougher with each sip – the key to win and travel the world!