Maska Komara Iz Bumagi Na Golove Rating: 4,8/5 6583 votes

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Similar words:  (1.00) (0.71) (0.67) (0.62) (0.62) screw 1> vint, shurup _Ex: endless (perpetual) screw beskonechnyi vint _Ex: male (external) screw vint _Ex: female (internal) screw gaika _Ex: screw clamp _teh. Apowersoft video download capture keygen. Strubcinka, vintovoi zazhim _Ex: screw coupling _teh. Vintovaya styazhka _Ex: screw die _teh.

Vintoreznaya golovka _Ex: screw elevator vintovoi elevator; shnekovyi pod'emnik _Ex: screw gauge rez'bovoi kalibr 2> _teh. Shnek, chervyak 3> _av. Vozdushnyi vint, propeller 4> _mor. Grebnoi vint 5> vitok rez'by 6> povorot vinta _Ex: to give smth. Another screw zavinchivat' chto-l. Potuzhe _Ex: to give s nut a good screw pokrepche zavernut' gaiku 7> grebnoi vint 8> vintovoi parohod 9> vint, pryzhok vintom (pryzhki v vodu) 10> _razg. Bumazhnyi kulek, paketik (s chem-l.); 'funtik' _Ex: a screw of tea kulechek chayu _Ex: a penny paper screw of tobacco paketik s deshevym tabakom 11> shepotka, nebol'shoe kolichestvo _Ex: a screw of tobacco zakrutka tabaku 12> _razg.

Maska Komara Iz Bumagi Na Golove

Skryaga, skvalyga _Ex: he is a dreadful screw on uzhasnyi skryaga 13> _sl. Zarplata, poluchka _Ex: poor screw nizkaya zarplata _Ex: we get our screw on Fridays u nas poluchka po pyatnicam 14> klyacha, loshad' s iz'yanom, oder 15> _sl. Tyuremshik, tyuremnyi storozh, vertuhai 16> (the screws) _ist. Tiski (orudie pytki) _Ex: to put the screws on smb. Podvergnut' kogo-l. Pytke tiskami; okazyvat' davlenie (nazhim) na kogo-l. To apply the screws) _Ex: to give another turn to the screw(s) usilivat' nazhim na kogo-l.

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Kessonnaya bolezn' _Id: a screw loose ne v poryadke; ne v svoem ume _Id: there is a screw loose somewhere chto-to zdes' ne tak _Id: he has a screw loose on ne v svoem ume, u nego vintika v golove ne hvataet 18> privinchivat'; zakreplyat' vintami _Ex: to screw a lock on a door privintit' zamok k dveri _Ex: to screw smth. Down zakreplyat' chto-l. Vintami _Ex: a table screwed down to the floor stol, privinchennyi k polu _Ex: I am screwed down to certain fixed rules ya privyazan k opredelennym tverdym pravilam, ya svyazan opredelennymi pravilami _Ex: to screw two planes together skrepit' vintami dve doski _Ex: to screw smth. Off otvinchivat', razvinchivat' chto-l.