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We present data on development of spatial representations in children studying in primary school, obtained during the examination of structural, topological, coordinate, projective representations of pupils of 1's and 2's grades at the beginning and end of the school year. We explore the dynamics and development direction of the above types of spatial representations, examine the connections of certain types of spatial representations with organization of the learning process. The study involved 134 children aged 6–9 years (studying in 1st and 2nd grades of primary school).
We highlight comparative results of levels of spatial representations formation during the school year. We analyze the likely reasons for decline and lower of the dynamics in the development of spatial representations of today's school students. References • Anan'ev B.G., Rybalko E. Osobennosti vospri- jatija prostranstva u detej. • Ajrapet'janc Je. K voprosu o funkcional'noj strukture prostranstvennogo analiza // Problemy vosprijatija prostranstva i prostranstvennye pred- stavlenij. V., Pylaeva N.
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Sulfonasi senyawa aromatik merupakan salah satu jenis reaksi substitusi elektrofilik pada senyawa aromatik. Prinsip dasar dari reaksi sulfonasi adalah dengan mereaksikan asam sulfat berasap dan senyawa benzena. Percobaan ini bertujuan untuk membuat natrium benzensulfonat dan kristal asam p-toluensulfonat dengan metode sulfonasi dan rekristalisasi. Kristal natrium benzensulfonat dibuat melelui reaksi sulfonasi antara asam sulfat berasap dan benzena yang kemudian direkristalisasi menggunakan padatan NaCl murni sehingga menghasilkan kristal natrium benzensulfonat yang berwarna putih. Selain itu, kristal asam p-toluensulfonat dibuat melalui reaksi sulfonasi antara asam sulfat pekat berasap dan toluena menggunakan metode refluks dan rekristalisasi menggunakan larutan NaCl sehingga menghasilkan kristal asam p-toluensulfonat yang berwarna kekuningan. Kebutuhan akan obat-obatan di Indonesia semakin meningkat.