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The Alexander-Schleicher ASK 21 (and its motorized brother the ASK 21 Mi) are gliders that many people will recognize. It's a two-seater (Club Class) sailplane that is used by many clubs as a trainer, but it is also a capable cross country and aerobatics aircraft. This version for FSX (and FSX: SE/ P3D V2) is special in many ways. Not only are all the instruments accurate (we even supply the real manuals for the most important one!) but the flight characteristics are the real highlight of this product.
Where the simulator is not correct (or lacking) special modules are used to make the handling more realistic. The result is an aircraft with unprecedented accuracy flight behavior. It feels just ‘real’ and even people who have not flown this aircraft will quickly appreciate the way it flies. If you ever wanted to experience gliders in your simulator there is no better choice than the ASK21. It’s as real as it gets on a computer.
I would like to purchase the best 737 for FSX. Any ideas on where I can obtain one?Thanks.The best 737 for FSX does not exist, yet. PMDG is working on the NGX. There are other options such as Wilco or Ariane.
I can not speak for the Wilco product but my experience with their other products have not been great. Ariane offers a very expensive bird. It is not near as good as the PMDG that was made for FS8 and FS9. Also if you have a OS install you must pay a reactivation fee. Tematicheskij trenazher po russkomu yaziku gorbacevich otveti.
If you must have a 737 to tide you over I suggest Project OpenSky. I can not use it because it simply doesn't have the advanced systems that I am used to. I hope this helps some. I just installed the 737PIC on my vistax64 OS.
What kinds of problems are people having? With the operation of the airplane? The wx radar?I can not load a flight plan into the FMC, either from FsBuild or FSX default without getting an out of date error. I do subscribe to Navigraph and believe I have an updated FT database. I even tried entering the plan manually but at some point I receive the same error. Also when I quit out my menu screen becomes offset and sometimes the preview aircraft screen goes black.
I can fix the offset by quitting then reloading anther AC preview then quit out and reload FSX. I suppose thats not all bad but the failure to load a FP is a showstopper! I knew I may have problems when moving to x64 and Wilco clearly states this on their web page which is why I never pursued it. It has however stopped me from purchasing anymore of their products which to me is a shame because I would really love to try the ERJ's.