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Joseph (Joe) S. Valacich is the Eller Professor of MIS within the Eller College of Management at the University of Arizona, a Fellow of the Association for Information Systems (2009), and is a co-founder, Chairman, and Chief Science Officer (CSO) of Neuro-ID, Inc. His primary research interests include deception detection, human-computer interaction, data visualization, cyber security, and e-business. Valacich is a prolific scholar, publishing more than 200 scholarly articles in numerous prestigious journals and conferences, including: Academy of Management Journal, Communications of the ACM, Decision Sciences, Information Systems Research, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of the AIS, Journal of MIS, MIS Quarterly, Management Science, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and many others.
His scholarly work has had a tremendous impact not only on the IS field, but also on a number of other disciplines, including computer science, cognitive and social psychology, marketing, and management. In October 2018, Google Scholar lists his citation counts at more than 23,400, with an H-index of 71. He was the general conference co-chair for the 2003 International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS) and the 2012 Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS); both were held in Seattle. He is the Honorary Chair for ICIS 2021 to be held in Austin, Texas. Publications • Benjamin, V., Valacich, J.S., & Chen, H. DICE-E: A Framework for Conducting Darknet Identification, Collection, Evaluation, with Ethics.
MIS Quarterly. • Jenkins, J.L., Proudfoot, J.G., Valacich, J.S., & Nunamaker, Jr., J.F. Sleight of hand: Identifying malicious insider threats through the monitoring of mouse-cursor movements. Journal for the Association for Information Systems. • Valacich, J.S., Wang, X., & Jessup, L.M. Did I Buy the Wrong Gadget?
How Easy and Difficult to Evaluate Technology Features Influence Product Choice. MIS Quarterly, 42:2, 633-644. • Hibbeln, M., Jenkins, J., Schneider, C., Valacich. J., & Weinmann, M. How is Your User Feeling? Inferring Emotion Through Human-Computer Interaction Devices.
MIS Quarterly, 41, 1-21. • Chatterjee, S., Valacich, J.S., & Sarker, Suprateek (2015). Unethical Use of Information Technology: A Two-Country Study. Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol.
31(4), 49-87. • George, J.F., Carlson, J., & Valacich, J.S. Media Selection as a Strategic Component of Deceptive Communication. Berklee basic guitar phase 1 pdf download free for pc. MIS Quarterly, 37(4), 1233-1251. • Campbell, D.E., Wells, J.D., & Valacich, J.S. Breaking the Ice in B2C Relationships: Understanding Initial Perceptions of Websites with the eCommerce Attraction Model. Zbrush alpha brushes free download torrent. Information Systems Research, 24(2), 219-238.