Voice Leading For Guitar Author: John Thomas Lesson description Voice leading is moving between chords using the same note or moving up or down by a step in the inner voices of the chord, wherever possible. It will enhance your playing and bring it to another level. Berklee College of Music faculty member and renowned guitarist John Thomas introduces you to voice leading in this introductory lesson. Download this Lesson File: berklee_voice_leading_for_guitar.pdf (2536k.pdf) For best results, this.pdf file requires Adobe Acrobat 6.
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II-V-I Voice-leading Here are some common ways to voice-lead II-V-I progressions. “Drop 2” and “drop 3” voicings are some of the most common in jazz guitar comping. There are two PDF files; one with the chord roots on the 5th string,. Inside Improvisation Series (vol. 1-6) by Jerry Bergonzi, pub. Advance Music.